Doggie daycares have evolved into more than just a place for dogs to socialize during the day. Many offer members and guests the use of their facilities for private events, making it a unique way to engage with your dog and create special memories.
In this post, we look at different types of events that can be held at doggie daycare. Note that it’s important to check with your daycare to see what they offer, as every business is different.
Birthdays: Celebrating your pup's birthday at doggie daycare is an absolute hit! These events often include themed decorations, dog-friendly cakes, and games tailored for a canine celebration. It's a pawty where every wagging tail is a guest of honor!
Who said doggie daycare is only for the pups? Some establishments, such as Kanine Social, provide a fun setting for humans to socialize alongside their dogs with an in-house cafe or bar.
It's an excellent opportunity for both pups and humans to socialize and build connections. You can organize team-building activities for your coworkers, wedding showers, meet-ups, and more!
Uncover the hidden talents of furry performers by hosting doggie talent shows. From tricks and flips to funny antics, these shows bring out the unique personalities of each dog, creating an entertaining spectacle for both pet parents and fellow pups.
Music connects us all, and what better way to enjoy sweet sounds than with your dog? At Kanine Social, special events such as Woofstock offer guests an incredible opportunity to attend a canine-themed music festival with activities and performances that promise fun for the entire family.